The most common numerical terminology for the number three thousand and sixty-two.
I think that dress costs thirty hundred and sixty-two dollars ($3,062.00)
by TheWhiteRabbit07 October 14, 2019
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the time at which an individual must grind (work hard) to get something done
It's grind thirty
by Grind30 October 11, 2017
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The shoe thirty five year old people stuff up their ass when people tell them they are having a mid life crisis
by Real value August 29, 2019
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A feeling of great happiness and hunger
ME:How do you feel
Him:I smell thirty cows
Me:What do you fell like eating
by Kollando February 25, 2018
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A handjob that, as the name implies, consists of thirty fingers. Your significant other purchases finger puppet hands 🤚🏼and puts one on all five fingers. They then proceed to give a sensory overload handjob with not one hand, but five little ones for increased pleasure. Consider it like the ribbed condom of handjobs....
My girlfriend wanted to up her handjob game so she decided to surprise me with the thirty finger many fingers, for so much pleasure.
by TippyDippy85 September 8, 2020
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A handjob, as the name implies, consisting of thirty fingers. Your significant other purchases finger puppets 🤚🏼 for each finger and puts them all on prior to initiating a handjob. They then give a rigorous sensory overload handjob with 30 fingers for increased pleasure...think of it is as the ribbed condom of handjobs.
My girlfriend wanted to up her handjob game. So she decided to bust out the thirty finger handjob to bring it to the next many fingers fro so much pleasure.
by TippyDippy85 September 8, 2020
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a group of 8 people who are superior to any other friend group, are not snakes, are the best people to meet and are pretty swag😎
we just a gang who are full of thirty betches 😎
by bahahsxbkefnd August 29, 2019
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