A toilet Ferret is a ferret who has to live in a toilet that is filled with water. toilet ferret belongs to a shemale, and the shemale us responsible for taking care of the ferret. also, toilet ferrets will ruin your afterparties. Never EVER invite them to an afterparty, or a strip club for that matter. toilet ferrets thrive in a big family filled with weird people like aunt susans and shemales, and models.
While we were sleeping, our toilet ferret fell out of the bowl and almost died, but we were able to revive him by havng our Aunt Susan sing to him.
by someonewhoisalunatic June 10, 2012
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i wouldn’t wanna get caught with a ferret on my pussy tomorrow you know what i mean
by xgmpt January 26, 2021
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An mythical animal that is only found in the dense regions of rural south-west myanmar.
There have been several sightings of the three peaked ferret since the start of 2022.
by Dr Eldenberry June 21, 2022
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a elongated rat with a shit ton of fur that's soft to the touch but will bite if they get hyper. be warned
I just got a fluffy ferret! It's seeping away my life energy
by ElongatedRat December 3, 2020
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The ferret put in someone's pants in the act of ferret-legging, a popular game played by English coal miners in Yorkshire in which a ferret is inserted into one's pants, and kept there for as long as possible. Also my moniker, and a euphemism for a penis.
Damn, Jeffery has had that pants ferret in his ferret pants for a long time now.
by PantsFerret July 28, 2019
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