An annoying butthead who thinks she’s smarter than you.
Wow, there’s the bigbutthead Megan over there.
by Sabrinadeana January 17, 2018
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Megan is a kind person to new people but can be very fake and obnoxious at most times. People named Megan often have an easy time making friends but a hard time keeping they. While they are annoying on the streets they are queens in the sheets😏 many boys are always chasing after Megans for their big boobs and big asses. Megans typically have one true bestie and a group of friends who talk a lot of shit about them without them knowing.
by mynameisshequifa January 11, 2019
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Megan is the girl with the biggest ass in the room and the most platinum hair
Megan’s ass is nice but her hair is to platinum
by Tbufjsgeusb May 24, 2018
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A Megan is a kind girl. She normally has either blonde or brown short hair to her shoulders, and is obsessed with cats. Megans like to eat Reese's cups and hang with her friends. Sometimes she will be late to the party but you know she will always be there.
Fiona; There's megan!
Abby; Late, as usual.
by abbyy_avocado December 12, 2018
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Megan is a nice girl but if you mess with her she will snap back. She is extremely forgiving but gets confused swapping between friends. Megan is very insecure about her looks and being made fun of but doesn’t let anyone know
Megan you know the one who saves your life
by Lucyisugly November 7, 2018
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A little chinese bitch that's jealous of another Chinese bitch named Ju Hun because he stole her parabatai
MeGaN iS a SaLtY fUcC bEcAuSe ShE nEeDs To GeT lAiD
by Youneedsomhalp August 21, 2018
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