The frothy creamy substance remaining in a used condom.
I woke up yesterday and brewed a fresh latex latte.
by Grunter69 August 21, 2010
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1. An attention seeking whore who retweets sexual gif's and spells all of her tweets wrong so that she can have a small conversation with the person who is dumb enough to fall for her trick and correct her
2. Any bitch that asks for Starbucks over twitter
Jennifer is such a 2 latte twittee
by Vin¢ January 18, 2016
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Resembling a latte
That coffee is rather latte-ish
by dpkld January 9, 2022
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Interracial baby, interracial couple, interracial relationship, interracial marriage, interracial children, interracial.
Their baby is Caffe Latte
by Bad Man Movement January 17, 2021
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When a girl quiefs but a little bit of the previous suitors cum drips out into your mouth after the couple had mexican food the night before.
I gave that fool a Spanish latte and he had no idea!
by SPANISH DIVA June 19, 2022
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Leon Latt is an adjective. An adjective equivalent to so good. So good that it is great. So great that it is excellent. So excellent that it beats a glass of water when you are super dehydrated (i.e., you haven't drunk any water in 24 hours + ran outside in 25 degree heat).
My day was Leon Latt
by gumgirl789 November 27, 2022
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