When many a gay men gather at a party, all of whom are nude except for wearing glow in the dark condoms.The lights are turned off while they all proceed to jump around and touch each other with their "glow sticks". All of which is done to the anthem of up tempo rave music.
by ZachAttack792 July 17, 2010
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A male friend who thinks they are hot shit now because they got pit vipers and/or a piercing and talk down to ever
Richard: Wylie really had that Jonah hill Glow-Up
Isaiah: Frfr he’s such a douche now
by T-Bone S. May 23, 2022
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ASG (After sex glow) - Josep! Thank you for the amazing pucking today. It has left me with a great ASG. Can we cuddle in the wet fatch now?
by Scunnert Pict November 15, 2019
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A trend on the internet in which clickbait youtubers heat a knife to about 200 degrees and attempt to cut stuff, but try to make the video past 10 minutes long in order to get ad revenue.
Person 1: Did you see that 1000 degree glowing knife go through that piece of plastic?
by KOPYKATZ June 3, 2017
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when u put on a glow in the dark condom and screw a fat girl.
man i still cant believe u gave girl a glow in the dark rubber pancake@
by thuggaa December 3, 2009
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Glow in the dark love bites are love bites that you notice in the dark with alittle light from your blackberry phone.
For example, a glow in the dark love bites would be when you in bed with someone who is using their blackberry, and then you see a random dark mark on the chest area, that my friends is called a glow in the dark love bite...
by plus 10 eye vision at night October 12, 2010
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A meme for a a boy in a movie fat ugly Emo and glows up villain and has a beautiful face superpower’s and has body pillow’s of him irl I just searched it up.
I like the snotty boy glow up meme it’s kinda annoying but cool.
by Α January 25, 2022
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