One whom sucks cock in order to fix his truck.
He Andrew Wrighted to get the job done!!
by Jpann November 9, 2018
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Andrew is a short pale person that got vibe checked in the head so hard he only knows how to say one phrase. His favorite daily activity is biting his unmentionables really hard and then crying for an hour, occasionally licking the blood off. He also has stomach cancer because of all of the Windex banana milkshakes he makes. His favorite meal is a mix of horse thighs and the souls of redheaded people (he's the one that steals them)
Is that Andrew? I heard he pisses straight blood.
by ghlow October 10, 2019
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Stressful shrimp murderer who's really bad at pool and makes bad jokes. Very sneaky and tricks girls into thinking he's not wearing a hat. otherwise not complete asshole
Andrew is the notification on my phone i consider spam.
by i love the color green February 26, 2017
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A boy who is very handsome, sweet, funny and amazing. Someone who brings flowers to you, takes you on the best dates, gives amazing hugs, laughs at your stupidest jokes, comes to your door to pick you up, always tells you how beautiful you are, will try new things for you, holds you during scary movies, encourages you to be your best, turns your favorite song up on the radio, smiles at you during random moments, and someone who will always be there for you, when you need it most.
That Andrew is the love of my life!
by Andrewsgirl. June 26, 2011
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A hunka-delic piece of man candy who will surely steal your heart. Andrews are typically tall, sometimes douchebags, opinionated, sarcastic, and very set in their ways. You will hardly ever succeed in trying to change an Andrew's mind. His sexy tattoos are characteristic of his bad ass attitude toward women and life. Once he finds a girl he wants, he won't stop until he has reeled her in. And trust me.. she won't be able to say no. His kinkiness, undeniable charm, and self confidence will leave you begging for an orgy. Andrews often keep their private lives to themselves and rarely open up. As soon as you think you've changed him and made him feel comfortable around you, he will leave. sorry ladies.
Jessica: Man, who's that hunky slice of man over there with the tattoos? I can't help but want him

Amy: Why that's Andrew. He'll probably break your heart

Jessica: That's okay. I still want him uncontrollably.
by Detective Krex June 17, 2011
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