A complimentary prize if any for those that somehow got everything else so they run out of things to collect.
He was so good at the carnival games he ended up with more Cold treasures than actual prizes.
They give out star stickers with the words "you did it" on it as Cold treasures.
by equACHOO-,sorry its equinox February 8, 2023
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A long lost "treasure" in one's skin folds found on an x ray, CT, or MRI by a radiologist.
Ma'am you don't have cancer, but I believe I've found a panus treasure. You have a salad fork lodged under your belly roll.
by Gasser August 23, 2014
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An incredibly rare video game, often a prototype, that surfaces on a Japanese auction site (i.e. Yahoo Auctions), only to be bought by a Japanese private collector (often with classism and/or xenophobia as core motivations) and never seen again.
Archivist 1: Looks like there's a Super Mario Bros. 3 prototype up on Yahoo Auctions. Gonna start a fundraiser for it.
Archivist 2: There's some private collector talking about buying it to... Protect it from foreigners?
Archivist 1: Damn. Let's hope it doesn't become a Japanese treasure.
by Arctic Circle System January 11, 2022
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(verb) the act of destroying an individual and swiping what was formerly their valuables
look at that H-mo. let's kill him and steal his treasure
by mephisto May 28, 2003
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One who enjoys to suck on any material that is shaped in a shaft, balls or complete dildo shape.
Yo man, I heard Brian has been turning into a Shaft-Treasure Vacuum lately.
Yea, he's been blowing any object he can find.
by Darmonanic October 17, 2020
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When a girl has a backside so eloquent it should be on display in a museum
Ayyyy, she’s got BACKKK”

Wallah she’s a nyashional treasure
by Shush u neek March 8, 2022
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When you stick a qtip halfway in your butt and squat around the room to see what the other end picks up
I had a qtip treasure hunt last night and found some old food.
by Danny-the-boi June 26, 2020
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