Meridian secondary school offers a wide range of CCAs that developes the character of students, instilling different values such as resilience and honesty. It has taught many to be disiplined and has allowed them to nuture in character
i learn so much in meridian secondary school!
by ahskxkdjsiajdhdk November 24, 2021
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meridian secondary school is a place where students enjoy coming to school to not only see their friends but to also learn from their teachers and peers as well. there are minmal cases in the school and meridian is very inclusive as well. it really brings out the best in students!
meridian secondary school is fun
by ahskxkdjsiajdhdk November 24, 2021
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Meridian is an accommodating school that fulfils all our needs as students. It is well-equipped with all the tools needed to foster and encourage learning. No student is left behind as the school provides a space for students to thrive.
there are many activities to do in meridian secondary school!
by ahskxkdjsiajdhdk November 24, 2021
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Beatty secondary school, a neighbourhood school. Although I would say Beatty has a lot of Minahs, Matreps and YPs or just people who act gangster in the school. It is not as bad as other schools.. Maybe that. You either chose this school because it was near, within your PSLE score range or just cause Bendemeer Secondary School had not a lot of CCA choices to offer. Beatty has a famous nickname by its students. Called "Budget Beatty" If you are a younger sibling, your older sibling is either in Beatty Secondary School or Guangyang Secondary School.
person 1: "What is something interesting about Beatty Secondary School?"
Beattyian: "Beatty Secondary School is having its 70TH anniversary next year in 2023!"

person 1: "Wow, amazing"
by ABendemeerian September 28, 2022
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known for having stupid express students that are dumber than other school's normal technical
look its that dumb guy thats from Dunearn Secondary School i heard his from express.
by secschgenius August 22, 2021
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What a school. Vice principals act like wardens of a prison, and casually lurk the halls at any given time. Once you hear the heels and the jingly keys I’d suggest you run.

People also piss in the juulroom which is odd, even stranger is that some call it the “bAtHrOoM”.

God forbid you are out of uniform tho....
“Yo fham tryna lap quick at st stephens catholic secondary school
“I jus got a detention for bein outta uniform, yk how the VP’s r mans can’t leave again, they got me sittin in the corner of the hallway yo”
“They really treatin you like a mut”
by Lord Hamlet February 17, 2021
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If u come here you hear barking more than talking, XD rawr bitches everywhere and stoners limping through the halls. Like deadass u could be in chem and u will see someone cooking meth in the back.
Moe= u go to white oaks secondary school (woss) ?
Mariam= yeah only for ib tho link up at north?
Moe 2= I’ll bring the pot
by Puthylicker September 22, 2021
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