Ah yes, Beatty Secondary School. An infamous normal-tier school trying to act like a top-tier Singaporean school like ACS or Raffles Institution. Of course, the name of the school comes from a White Anglo-Saxon General named David Beatty
“Ever heard of that one school Btyss (Beatty Secondary School)”
by SolomonTheProphet August 21, 2021
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A school that thinks its rich enough to build an elevator but cant even afford to replace classroom windows.
Friend 1 : wah ur school very budget hor
Friend 2 : thats Beatty Secondary School for you
by sexy_fish August 21, 2021
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Beatty secondary school, a neighbourhood school. Although I would say Beatty has a lot of Minahs, Matreps and YPs or just people who act gangster in the school. It is not as bad as other schools.. Maybe that. You either chose this school because it was near, within your PSLE score range or just cause Bendemeer Secondary School had not a lot of CCA choices to offer. Beatty has a famous nickname by its students. Called "Budget Beatty" If you are a younger sibling, your older sibling is either in Beatty Secondary School or Guangyang Secondary School.
person 1: "What is something interesting about Beatty Secondary School?"
Beattyian: "Beatty Secondary School is having its 70TH anniversary next year in 2023!"

person 1: "Wow, amazing"
by ABendemeerian September 28, 2022
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