this happens when your date eats jalapenos then performs oral sex on you. the capsaicin from the peppers is absorbed by the phallic skin, and enters the urethra causing unpleasant burning sensation.
the heat from the jalapeno pepper ignited Jasmine's sexual desire to the point her mouth salivated for boner. After receiving a jalapeno blow job from Jasmine, Darryls penis burned... like California wild fire.
by MC Busta September 5, 2019
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When someone hypes you up just to knock you down. Just like how you blow a bubble up till it pops or you are unable to blow anymore and it deflates. Cause a bubble never lasts forever
Guy: hey my bosa said ive been doing really well think I'm gonna get a raise or do you think he was just blowing my bubble

Guy 2: nah bro he's just blowing your bubble
by Bubbles12344 May 24, 2018
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An act which sounds as though it would be sexual (like a form of blowjob), when in fact it is literally blowing air into someones face while poking them with an index finger.
Aaron was excited to hear Chelsea was going to perform a Blow Poke on him. He will be very dissapointed.
by Bartolona August 13, 2018
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Being so bad at sucking dick they dont even deserve a name.
Dude 1 "So howd it go with Brittany last night?"
Dude 2 "Who? Oh! Man she blows like a tropical depression."
Dude 1 "Damn, so shes just sexual conquest Number 34?"
Dude 2 "Yup."
by Merten December 5, 2010
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A place (normally in Nebraska) where you go to get a blow job from your gf or a random how
James: hey man I’m bouta go to a bjcf (blow job corn field) w my girl

Eric: that sounds fun I went yesterday with Katie
by Kiteorange December 21, 2020
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