Someone who is disrespectful to someone else’s mom. Specifically an armo woman in Glendale California
by hey.itzleo March 16, 2021
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1) Hierarchy levels in the military. 2) People positioned in a row, line or column. 3)Also a shortened form of rancid > ranc> rank. Something foul, rotten , putrid, stinking.
The General has a higher rank than a Sergeant. The recruits at the police academy lined up single rank. The dentist nearly passed out because the patient's breath was so rank.
by Primo VonBron January 2, 2021
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That female over there is rank, her teeth protrude from her mouth and she is as flat as a pancake.
by I-rooted-100-women January 2, 2020
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the foolish misspelling of the word "Wrank"
Hey Jim, do you know how Bob spells "Wrank"; as in something that is gross and stinks. RANK, what a Nobhead............................. errrr how are you spelling Knobhead Steve?
by DMetalR February 6, 2018
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When you are having a rant about an issue, while having a wank.
I hate algorithms.Its so rubbish, no one cares! Rank over!
by Buttons87 May 14, 2010
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