A man slut or someone who gets around.
He says they are just his friends, but we know he's a snake.
by Pirate Snake November 7, 2006
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the best bunker to be in for paintball
it has a long and short bunker with a tombstone shaped bunker at the end of it
get about three of these lined up and you have a snake

_ _ _
______{_} ______{_} ______{_}
alex fraige can really dominate the other players when hes shooting from the snake
by artre June 23, 2006
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a word that can be used in place of shit, like when you lose something or just as a curse word
a) "did you remember to lock the house up?"

b) "snakes! i forgot my house keys!"
by noop-dogg February 22, 2004
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1. A reptile that many people fear.

2. To steal something through skill or subterfuge.
1. "Oh Noes, I' afraid of snakes!"

2. John almost didn't get his diploma when he owed money to the school for a book he had returned. This was karma for that other book he snaked.
by PeaTearGriffin July 5, 2005
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Slang tearm used by skaterboarders at skate parks or skate spots. Normaly skaters have an unofficial "line" that you are waighting in to skate a certian spot, The skaters may not be in an actual line but take notice of who they go after and who has already gone, etc.
A snake is someone who continously skates with out giving others a chance, or skates an obsticle, pool, ramp, or rail while another skater is already skating it.

Often times snaking is done by experianced and impatient skaters using it as an attempt to clear the area so they have it to them selvs. Other times a "crew" will come in and snake everyone to try and clear the pool / park / ramp so that the members of the "crew" can skate it.
Snaking can also be done by accident as it is easy for 2 skaters to accidently drop in at the same time.
"That guys such a snake, he's dropin in every other person"
"Yeah I had fun, but there was a lota snakes at the park today"
by 84skate84 July 15, 2005
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you betray your own for others becouse they have advantage
homie you a snake take hide behide us then colide with us
by thair ilyas July 18, 2006
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Origional dirived from snowboards NZ09, whereby boards would cut in front of skiers. The winding trail left by skiers annoys lots of snowboards. This then progressed to cutting lines and becoming first in getting places.
The annoyed boards cross paths with skiers "snaking" the skiers making a fang symbol with there fingers.

Someone that cuts to the front of a line deviantly has snaked there friend
by RooKie NZ07 October 29, 2009
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