A person who is a low down, dirty rotten bastard.
Me: Dude anyone tell you that jeff got your girl wasted and fucked her last night?

Other guy: Jokes on him. I gave that chunky piece of menstrual fluids girlfriend a mustache ride last night, plus my girlfriend hardly ever blow me anyways and when she does she never lets me shoot it in her face, time for a change.
by riGHTonB December 6, 2010
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Spontaneous Mass Bodily Fluid Discharge, or SMBFD, is an extreme condition occurring at random without warning.

The potential side-effects include, but are not limited to: severe humiliation, emotional trauma, temporary to permanent paralysis of the face during Discharge, speech impediments, IBS, ED, and death.

Simultaneous discharges are as follows, in no particular order: tears, laughter, ejaculation, explosive defecation, projectile vomiting, coughing, sneezing, burping, and urination. Some cases have reported a brief scream prior to the simultaneous discharge. Causes are still unknown, and thus occurrences have been established to be completely random. Female cases have also been reported, and every side-effect is involved, excluding of course ED.

Victims of SMBFD have been known to lose consciousness immediately following the Discharge, only to regain it minutes to hours later. Unfortunately, amnesia is not a side-effect.
So I was walking to the counter at the library, when suddenly I cried, laughed, pissed and shat myself, puked, coughed, sneezed, and burped--all at the same time. It was so overwhelming that I passed out and woke up several minutes later, lying in a pool of my own fluids. Apparently, I also came, too. I heard a librarian murmur "It's Spontaneous Mass Bodily Fluid Discharge. He's got the SMBFD." I ran out, sweating and needing to take a shit; I tried to talk but couldn't. I never want to, either, not about what happened.
by Abaddon Uziel December 10, 2009
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Alcohol used to focus the mind and body for target sports
My darts were all over the place until I got a couple pints of accuracy fluid in me.
by C.H. Ninnymuggins February 9, 2023
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Jerome Floyd the guy who got killed by the cop and he couldn’t breathe
Wow Jerome fluid died

Wow he said I can’t breathe

Jerome fluid hits fortnite dance epic ly in front of them
by FlipFlop_ November 6, 2020
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A test, such as a Drug Test or STD Test, where you need to piss or secrete into a container or tube for the purpose of:

a) a Medical Exam
b) a Drug Test
c) an STD Test
d) a Piss Test.
He says it wasn't his, but we're gonna test his jizz. No way Bro's passing this Fluids Quiz.

I can't piss hot for my PO, I ain't gonna fail that Fluids Quiz! Hell No!
by AdamGoodBet September 3, 2021
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A test, such as a Drug Test or STD Test, where you need to piss or secrete into a container or tube for the purpose of:

a) a Medical Exam
b) a Drug Test
c) an STD Test
d) a Piss Test.
He says it wasn't his, but we're gonna test his jizz. No way Bro's passing this Fluids Quiz.

I can't piss hot for my PO, I ain't gonna fail that Fluids Quiz! Hell No!
by AdamGoodBet September 3, 2021
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Sperm, WHite stuff, Cum, Goo, Splooge,
ew you just got all your dick fluids on me!
by aryguy April 11, 2009
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