1. To perform physical destructive violence towards the storage medium of the last remaining copy of data or a file in your possesion.
2. Mass deletion of data (less interesting).
1. I hate the movie Titan AE, so i will super detete it by burning it to a CD and attaching it to a firecracker and detonaing it.
2. I need to super delete emails from my account.
by thisprojectsucks July 22, 2008
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To delete someone is to defeat him/her in a video game so hard that their account gets removed and their head explodes
Bro you just deleted that bitch from the entire fucking game
by NydriAyo May 13, 2018
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'Delete' can have several different meanings and is very context dependent, here are just a few examples:

When you have demolished your food - deleted
When you have completed a task - deleted (a film/degree/project)

When your friend has scored/died in the club - deleted

A: Hey James, is that beer you have in your hand!?
J: Yeah Austin, a beautiful pils it is
A: Delete it!

J: *look of disdain in his eyes, but also respect - proceeds to drink beer in one go*
by Mr. Deleted May 7, 2019
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When Little Timmy deletes Fortnite cause he lost the epic vic-roy.
little timmy is Deleting Fortnite but first he grabs his dads shotgun and preforms a nikolas cruz
by Epic Username June 8, 2019
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