A magical land, where you are free to do whatever you want. This means you are FREE to text in a THE-A-TER.
Texter: "I was using my PHOONE as a FLASHLIGHT to get to my fuckin' seat. So EXCUSE ME for using MY phone in USA MAGNITED STATES of America where yer-you are FREE to TEXT in a THE-A-TER!"
Alamo Drafthouse: "lol u mad?"
by Ryan Ebson June 12, 2011
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When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation
The Declaration of Independence (USA) is piece of paper that assigned to give a country its freedom to move on from example a colony coloniser or a rebel attack
by SGS165 February 18, 2022
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When someone doesn't know the answer to a simple question. (Recently, 50% of the Miss USA contestants didn't know who the Vice-President of the USA is.)
"Dude, what time is it?"
"Duh, I don't know, man."
"Thank you, Miss USA."
by regsixer June 10, 2012
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a worldwide overnight sensation that crumbles under the weight of its hitherto unimaginable awesomeness only to rise from the ashes phoenix-like to reclaim its rightful place in world history.

Derived from the all-girl punk/pop/thasher band of the same name, best known for Blangie 2000:World Tour and "The Limo Flew Out of My Eye (Crying Limousine Tears)"
"It might look bleak now but if all goes well we might just pull a NERUSA"
by Marguli July 28, 2005
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USA vs Paraguay 2018 Live
USA vs Paraguay 2018 Live
by oiyhi August 9, 2018
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The USA Herd Immunity Sovereign Wealth Fund & Social Dividend -
the American investment fund that is underwritten during times without outbreaks and then when there is an epidemic the profits from the investment fund are distributed to the individuals getting tested, the individuals getting treatment for the infectious disease, and other epidemic related expenses during such epidemic.
#epidemic #socialdividend #herdimmunity #covid19 #covid19ideas See: The USA Herd Immunity Sovereign Wealth Fund & Social Dividend
The God for the "The USA Herd Immunity Sovereign Wealth Fund & Social Dividend" for underwriting my treatment of the Covid19 virus. I hadn't a dollar in my bank account.
by MurdochMaxwell March 12, 2020
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A nasty # Minute Video of Screechy Sounds, Pole Dancing and Crying 2 Year olds.
OMFG My Son Just Saw the Miley Cyrus TEen Choice Awards Performance of Party in the USA. Then the next day I caught him wearing a bra over a vest and in my thong.
by Miley Cyrus REal Miley March 16, 2010
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