a sweet boi who is perfect boyfriend but is a danger in bed rocking a 8inc
damn sebastian
by negative99 May 1, 2020
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A useless piece of shit. He lies around all day doing fuck all. He’s overweight but never has the balls to get up and do something about it. He always has to be right about everything and will ruin a night just to try and insist he’s right when he’s clearly not. Usually ugly and weird as well, waddling around like a retard while most people try to avoid him. You can’t rely on him for anything important. A fat, useless, unattractive parasite, you should make sure to steer clear of Sebastian.
“Ew, who’s that gross flabby piece of shit?”

“Ugh. That’s Sebastian. Let’s go.”
by Sebby_memez June 2, 2020
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the coolest person ever to exist but he is lowkey gay siiiiiike he is so strait you can use him as a ruler
you are so sebastian bro
by ij4769 September 25, 2020
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very attractive male. a little ugly if you look too hard, but for the most part attractive.
person 1: look at the guy right there
person 2: he look like a sebastian
by blackballsacks March 24, 2020
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venerable” or "revered" in Latin, and comes from the Latin word “Sebastianus,” which was used to refer to a person from Sebaste, the name of a town in Asia Minor that is now the city of Sivas in Turkey)
Im very sebastian
by Antonio23224 October 7, 2022
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he's a guy most people like, His Penis isn't very large ranging from 2 - 3 inches. he doesn't get many ladies, but all the guys love him. he likes to get in trouble and is often associated as a faggot but most but School teachers love him.
that guy is such a sebastian
by UrbanDictaionary March 7, 2016
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