Worse than ur mom gay, ur dad lesbian, ur granny tranny, and ur son a nun combined together in a shitfest
Person 1 "ur mom gay, ur dad lesbian, ur granny tranny, and ur son a nun"
Person 2 "ur uncle is actual a bisexual"
Person 1 *implodes, the sun has engulfed the whole system and is constantly feeding for more sources to over grow its size*
by Heyo im a guyo March 19, 2018
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My reaction to almost every single article on this... GODFORSAKEN WEBSITE, roamed by the filthiest of beings make the most DIABOLICAL "sexual" terms that previously didn't exist. (DO NOT LOOK UP ONION RING PLEASE)
Person A: "Hey look at this urban dictionary article! Person B:"WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK ????"
by 2Uvas June 18, 2024
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When you whip again and the TP is more bloody then shitty, but still shitty
A: What do you wish upon me?
B: Actual Fucking Agony
A: jfc man...
by cummy2 September 30, 2020
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When your bitch friend Kaylee is actually jealous of your food and not, not listening.
Omg, that food looks yum. Actual yum!
by Nova Kapitola November 8, 2020
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To thank someone and really mean it.
Repeating the word " Actual " afterwards implies the magnitude of the thanks
You really helped me out , Actual Thanks !
GUY: Your the best man ,Actual thanks .
You: No problem !
GUY: Actual bro
by Raccoons April 10, 2018
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Stupid swedish people who are actually danish people like Strebz
Strebz is such a swedish guy but actually danish
by CH9IICICKKAAN June 30, 2020
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