"...love is the soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another."

source: The Wedding Crasher (2005)
by sukebe November 18, 2006
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n. semen - slang. similar to love stain. a more romantic way to say cum.
Sorry honey, got a little love in your hair.
by Jupiter May 9, 2007
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When all other plans to get laid don't work, and you don't want to rape a bitch, you are in love, with hopes of increasing your chances of getting laid.
Fundo tried many different techniques to have sex with his girlfriend, including advice from dating newsletters, as well as dating tips from friends. Because Fundo did not want to rape a bitch, he told his girlfriend he was in love. Suddenly, there were women jumping his bones by the hour.
by auth00r June 19, 2006
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the strongest drug, ever. it can make you feel different things; sadness, happiness, anger, etc. it can change your whole life, even by the tiniest things. love, is a very sensitive topic. it can lead to philophobia , suicide , etc.
alex loves amy a lot. he is always happy being around her. but when amy betrayed him w/ another guy, alex felt broken. he felt sad and angry. which caused him to never fall in love again. and if he does he'll be afraid, if he gets hurt in the end.
by hxn3y_ June 29, 2018
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There are so many labels that people try to put on love, but it never works. Our minds are so conditioned, they always try to categorize things, to separate everything into little boxes of "this is love", "this isn't love". Love doesn't work like that. It's too big for any box a human mind could envision. You can't say "this is always the way things are". There is no one "right" way to be in love. If you are in love, you will know it. Even if you try to deny it, it will catch up with you eventually. If the one you love loves you back, it is the best feeling in the world. If they don't, it can crush you.
When you're in love, you always want to be with that person, and you want to make them happy, any way you can. When they're sad, it can feel like you're dying inside, when they're happy, it makes you happy too.
by Kendriel April 26, 2009
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something that isn’t real. people say they love you, but what they mean is they love how loving you makes them feel about themselves or they love what they can take from you. love is a strong word no one means. words don’t mean anything but actions sure as hell do
“i ‘love’ you jazmyn
by justheartbroken May 8, 2018
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