A term coined by number #4 pro evo player, the legendary JB, for when a player peforms a spin trick with the ball at their feet. Often referred to by gays as the "zidane turn"
Player runs down the pitch, opposition tries to get the ball, "Oh no ... its "Round the World" ...later!!!
by Number1inyourhearts February 16, 2009
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December 18th is world rob the owner day where anybody can rob a shop owner.
guys it's world rob the owner day lets go steal some cars.
by smackmen December 16, 2022
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At what point is cheating not cheating, when the teams with the most fans (Dodgers or Yankees) get the titles from all the other teams? Its interesting how the Dodgers haven't started investigating the Nationals (yet), but there's a bandwagon of support for investigating the Astros and Red Sox.
The World Series scandal went from nobody but Dodgers fans and Yankees fans having a problem with the outcome of the last few World Series to everybody wanting people out of the league and losing everything overnight. There's a lot of people who don't give something much thought until everybody else does.
by Solid Mantis February 9, 2020
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