“life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around, you could miss it” - Ferris Bueller

Basically means to enjoy life and do want you wanna do, don’t let anyone stop u from living life to the fullest.
parent: make sure you go to school everyday and become successful. If I see you on your phone your grounded, study!

Kid: no, I want to have some fun and enjoy life, just like what Ferris Bueller said

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around, you could miss it.
by champagnebaby November 20, 2019
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I'm bored and I really want to make a long defenition that could break a world record and thats really funny and not just W spam.

this means I'm bored and I really want to make a long defenition that could break a world record and thats really funny and not just W spam.
I'm bored and I really want to make a long defenition that could break a world record and thats really funny and not just W spam.

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a phase from British tv show When something bad happen to you, but someone is way more worse than you get.
Jeremy:I brought this mercedes that have some one‘s public hair on it, but still.....could be worst
Hammond:I can’t believe that someone has been murdered in this car.
by Müthelm März February 16, 2019
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When some one is excessively disorganized or substantially confuses a situation such that their actions could be compared to the apparent chaos of a Chinese parade.
Son: (forgets to do homework, arrives late home, accidentally falls off skateboard and breaks ankle, is late for work and his teacher from school expresses concern about his lack of preparation in class.)

Father: son, no offense but you could screw up a Chinese parade!
by The only big Mike January 3, 2019
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