1: a duo that seems like they wouldn't go together, but actually have a lot in common.

2: exquisite meal from a particular indie game.
1: "those two are ironically perfect together, they're like chalk and moss! "

2: "please shut the fuck up I'm eating chalk and miss"
by madotsukifromdeltarune January 6, 2023
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(in Pakistan) Graffiti, illegally painted ads and slogans on public and private property walls
"AS we decode messages inherent in wall chalking, we get to know motives behind it. " Dawn - January 24, 2009
by zpack September 30, 2021
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a college instructor who tends to get chalk all over his or her body, including the face and stomach, while writing important academic concepts on the chalkboard.
Wow. Look at that chalk-beast go! She has chalk all over her neck, and she's scribbling concepts all over the chalkboard.
by pandabear1236 July 22, 2012
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Essentially to give up and call it quits. Fits best when the overall tone of the conversation is one of defeat or gloom.
Eddie: Listen man, we've been playing this game for the past 2 hours and we still can't get a win. I think it's time we chalk it.

Luis: Nah man, we can't get off without a win.
by El Bichota August 26, 2023
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Black Chalk meaning the police in 2017’s “Okja” movie.
The Black Chalk is here!!”
by June 18, 2022
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When your teacher gives a lesson that is so off the hook that their chalk just can't handle it.
Dude, Mr. K totally broke the chalk today in third hour.
by Big Papa C-Dog March 23, 2017
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