something that hurts when it happens more then once with the same person and ends up the same way. (broken)
by Tamira Parker December 9, 2005
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If you love someone you just don't know why
If you love someone you just don't know how much
If you love someone you just know that will be forever

If you love... you don't understand why, but you know that the other person is really important to you
by Roberto S Sartor November 15, 2007
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1. A passionate feeling for the man or woman of your dreams.
2. An ever lasting bond shared between a couple.
3. You & Me.
Curran Kanagat & Zarina Bamji <3
-The truest love in the entire world.-
February 14, 2007 - Always & Forever!
by riiinababyx November 7, 2008
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Either the best or worst thing that can happen to you.
"Love" is often overused in today's economy.
by ThisGirlRightHeah April 24, 2015
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what is love is one of the most asked questions in the world.... its thought to be this feeling of completion, untill it hits u, ur under a spell. u see the world different.... food tastes different, u speak differently to your aquatints, u take leaps and bounds just to see a cheek raise on your loved ones face. love isnt brought on threw time, love is known from the point of impact. ull let nothing get in the way of ur love for that person. not 350 miles, not a fear of opening up. love make u do and say crazy things but at the time, those crazy things don sound so crazy because when ur in the moment, nothing else matters but the feeling u have for that person and u wanna get on top of a mountain and shout it to the world. i always wondered what love would feel like.... it took me 18 years to figure it out but i promise the moment it hits u, it hits u so hard u might question if this is really it, all u have to look at is if ur feelings are truly unconditional. take an extra step and speak ur mind. if ur love isnt excepted than it wasnt deserved to be received.
k loves d
by babylovelover February 1, 2010
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Girl: i love you soo much
Boy: i love you too:)
-a week later-
Girl:im breaking up with you
boy: um ok
haha... love means nothing
by matea56656 April 20, 2009
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forgiving someone for what they've done to u regardless,accepting the most painful and darkest things they have done and still standing by there side. enduring everything with that person,through good and bad times. hoping for a future with them and trusting to put your hopes and dreams with them. willing to change yourself to make yourself become a better person;FOR THEM and to benefit you. because giving your heart to someone is like giving them the power to destroy you, you need to have a strong foundation of trust. also to remember that neither one of u is perfect and that there will be arguments. love to some people is just a feeling,but they're wrong,its COMMITMENT. it has NO jealousy, it is shameless, the power of love burns so greatly,that not even the seven seas could quench it. love is when after you've had the shittiest day at work and or school,u know they'll be there waiting to listen and they'll understand. they'll support you and encourage you to keep it strong. they're the person that shows you what it means to be selfless and reminds of you of your self worth and how special you really are. love is PATIENT. love, is beautiful.
hey babe, its me nat<3 just wanted to share my feelings to the world of how i feel about you, i love u deeply and i know we'll be closer in miles soon,i pray for u all the time and i truly do love you chris. :) :* i just hope u understand that i need time to let go of things and u know what they are,just please stay strong with me and we will make it through all this! you are not only my loving and amazing boyfriend,but also my best friend,and i want to thank you for that. and im still looking forward to going to Disneyland during Christmas break,lol love u boo and good luck on your first game in Texas!<333
by nat<3'schris September 11, 2010
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