"Woah, look at Dylan, he's so edgy"
by yawnyy May 20, 2019
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An edgy person is considered cringe for trying to be too cool. Edgy people include, music genres, haircuts, and jokes.
"Barbara, what describes these ear-bud, skateboarding, loud mouthed kids who disobey their mothers?"

"I believe they would be considered 'edgy,' Tom."
by jakenisntmyname! December 23, 2021
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a person who smokes darts and wears grotty clothes to look cool
"whoa david thats so edgy"
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Edgy is a word whose meaning has greatly changed over time. Back in the '60s-early '80s, "edgy" referred to talented satirists like George Carlin who took well-deserved potshots at a notoriously conservative, straight-laced, and repressive establishment who had strict rules about what you could and couldn't say on broadcast. Nowadays, since people like Carlin basically won that battle a long time ago, and it's normal to hear people talking about vibrators on Oprah, "edgy" refers to people who just say outrageous things for shock value, or take knee-jerk, reflexive anti-authority/anti-status-quo stances without carefully thinking over the ramifications of what they're advocating.
I spent 10 minutes on Reddit, and in those 10 minutes, I learned from some 14-year-olds that the Holocaust is hilarious, that all fat people are lazy pieces of shit, and that the reasonable solution to environmental pollution is to ban all cars. How very, very edgy.
by q359 July 24, 2023
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Confusing but people use this word to describe their style if they are not actually edgy and just go around saying the word like a cringy wannabe when in reality they will never be in that type of culture.
Omg jemima you look so hipster and edgy today! I love your kimono and those ripped white jeans
by Overmybedhead May 8, 2018
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An adjective used to describe someone who tries excessively hard to make people think they are insensitive by saying things that are messed up at any chance they can get in order to shock people, but it just ends up sounding cringey and most people can see right through it. Most people will use this word incorrectly to clarify the situation (e.g after someone makes a dark humor joke) because that is important for some reason, which gives others a wrong idea of what the word really means which is why not many people know what the f@#& it means in the first place.
Person 1 “Would you slap this (insert cute animal here) for a million dollars?”

Person 2 “I would do more then slap it, I’d stomp on it until it’s a meaty pulp and then use it’s head as a flesh light”

Person 1 “Wow, you’re super edgy
by tupac_69 March 8, 2019
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Someone who uses something dark or depressive to try to be cool, different or funny
“Omg best gore is hilarious I think I’m a psychopath

Bro shut the fuck up you’re so edgy
by akaWilliam November 30, 2020
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