When you put someone face first into a swamp and proceed to butt fuck them as hard as you can while pulling on there ears
I will take you outside luke and give you a upside down shrek
by Upside down shrek June 3, 2022
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when someone is super gay and inst afraid to admit it, and most of the time they are a libtard
man: dude watch out for that upside down meat basket over their
man 2: is he/she a libtard?
man: yeah
by crap_posts10101 March 24, 2018
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Girl: that girl looks like a 304
Boy : whats a 304
Girl: it means hoe look 304 upside down means hoe
by VMELQXZ February 17, 2023
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when you hold someone upside down by there legs and they try to wrap themselves between your legs and try to eat out your buns.
Me and my GF did a upside down trashcan last night.
by finding bow September 11, 2017
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The act of putting a naked woman in a groundhog hole where her ass is out and you use it to sharpen your pencil dick and pour motor oil over back while riding a Wildebeest and it’s only legal if done in Philadelphia honoring the founding fathers
by Sax_killa54 January 22, 2023
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Referring to a male or male parts.
Person: Hello upside-down unicorn
Random male: what?
Person: you are a male so I define you as such
by Makingthingsreal March 4, 2016
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The title given to a woman with picky virtue that caused 25 people from town to be arrested when the rape kit results came back
You were fine with sex TWENTY FOUR times today, but 25 is where you draw the line Denis; such a picky Upside-down Unicorn!!
by sex vocab May 22, 2022
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