A very large state, indeed.
-Ask any child under eight there to draw the world and you will see them carefully outline the shape of texas.
-Home to the #1 and #2 most overweight cities in America, statistically of course. sounds good.
-In 2004, half of all death penalties in the U.S were sentenced in Texas. Are texas criminals somehow worse than that of all other U.S. states
-Just because the people of Texas are mainly responsible for George Bush's rise to the presidency, doesn't mean they are all like he is. However, Texas is a portion of the "Bible Belt" and is therefore overwhelmed by very conservative, religious, ignorant and change-averse people.
-Minorities, Liberals, and above all, Homosexuals beware of Texas.
-The majority of ALL U.S. hate-crimes are committed here.
-This does not apply to every person in Texas. However, take a moment and check out the posts made by its very own residents. I'd say it's applicable to most of them, as well as many people you meet from Texas.
-Texas truly deserves to be it's own country.
-Wait for the ignorant, poor-grammar, homophobic, lengthy, vulgar responses to this post-variations of the word "FAGGOT" are likely to be used. Watch how quickly and blindly these people stand up and fight for a their home state, with no factual evidence or support. Soon, some will recognize the validity of this definition.
by joey667 April 16, 2006
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so if your from a dif state and your wondering why people seem to think texas is so much better,

its because we texans have pride in our shit, we dont just live whereever, this is our home, we always plan to move back to texas if we leave so we can have kids here

we have a way cooler history than other states, we even have texas history as a class in school,

texas is huge, nuff said, it also has a cool shape but whatever....

were not all cowboys but we all have at least 1 as a freind and you dont have to be a hick to have horses or land,

another bonus, texas isnt freaking cold, unlike gay omaha or whatever the most clothing we wear at any point in the year in houston is a hoodie and jeans,

we are home to some of the best universities in the country for dif. subjects like Sam Houston st. for criminal law or A&M or UT or all the other ones, also, texas is in the south, the place where people like to say everyone is inbred, well that all starts to the north and east of us starting in Okla.,

if you have ever been around the country you will notice there are WAY more beautiful women here and theyre actually tan and not all pale whities,

we have some of the best food here, BBQ and mexican, these can never be recreated the same anywhere outside of texas(well maybe mexico)

oh ya texas is the only state that became a state by treaty, so if we wanted to we could suceed and become our own country

so maybe now you know how we texans think
i am proud to be from TEXAS
by cowboytroythetexashit August 4, 2009
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Purgatory. A place that sucks so bad, you're stuck in between life and hell.
(Night time) Driving into Texas City, Texas. Is that a skyline of tall beautiful building lights covering the seashore? No. It's fucking miles and miles of oil refineries and fertilizer plants.

Living in a constant state of purgatory, with no clean smelling air and a constant threat of a hydrochloric chemical leak again. Its ok though, it will buy another football stadium or maybe a grocery store that doesn't smell like cat piss.

Am I in hell? No you're in Texas City, a place that's close to hell. But not really because there's a Starbucks.
by eatyourwords October 11, 2013
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Texas: Texas is better known as the Aids capitol of the United States. A recent 2005 survey of homosexuals residing in Austin ( 98.9 percent of males ) admitted to having AIDS or really really wanting to get it from rough anal sex.
Texas is also home to one of the largest populations of child molesters and pedophiles in the entire world. The 200 census estimated that out of every 100 people in the state of Texas, there were 73 pedophiles or child molesters.

Another fun fact about Texas is that KY brand personal lubricant was invented there. In 1984 Nolan Ryan after sodomizing and performing anal intercourse on his goat grew tired of it always being so uncomfortable, so he spit into an old toothpaste tube and it evolved from there.

texas is also a place where the people think 50 degrees is cold, county roads are black top, Galveston is a good place to visit, and "Big Tex" is straight. All of these are common misconseptions.
Hey let's go to Texas today. I really wanna make love to a baby while kissing my uncle who is milking his goat William.

Remember that time I got butt raped by the mayor of Dallas Texas? How is that an appropriate punishment for a speeding ticket?

Wow! The whole state of Texas is like one big abortion.

Howcome Wichita Falls Texas is so dirty and gross? Oh wait it is in Texas.

Let's go to Lubbock Texas and watch that caped and masked child rapist ride his horse. Oh better yet, let's go to college station and watch those ass hole that couldn't get into West Point march around before they molest that dog of theirs.

Child: Mom, how come so many people in Texas have AIDS?
Mother: Sweetie, God hates them, and remember, they are not people in God's eyes.

Wow, I'm so glad I live in Oklahoma. If I'd stayed in Texas one second longer I am certain I would have been molested and would also have contracted AIDS.
by Texasisgay February 10, 2008
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A popular and generally accepted alternative to the word 'texts', as in text messages.
So check it brah, I done sent this hoe like 10 texas with no response. Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks.
by Joey_330ci July 27, 2010
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(Verb) To communicate (repeatedly) via SMS text messaging on a cellular phone or other mobile device.
So he texas me back, "Hay stay where u r. We comin over." And I was like, "Wat?" OMG there were like 40 cars in front my house!
by bitchywitch March 23, 2010
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Any number of Texas politicians who support radical, oppressive, or authoritarian government policies
Texas Tyrants typically support things like the Patriot Act, corporate power, and the war on women, while opposing healthcare, the environment, workers rights, gay rights etc.

Some examples of Texas Tyrants:
George W Bush
Rick Perry
Ted Cruz
Tom DeLay
by Real_American March 28, 2015
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