A place where you are kept away from being with friends, fun, time with family, and relaxation. A place where teachers teach you things you don't care about and the just want money. BWA HA!
Now that school started, I feel like crap. I get up 7 in the mornin, learn usless things for 6 hours, then come home tired, do hours of homework, then sleep. Then i repeat over again.
by Lady Gagoo August 27, 2009
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School is a place where kids are forced by the law to work and learn. Where you are graded on your intelligence. If you get an F, then that means that either you are a huge IDIOT!!! Or the school is trying to tell you that you are a failure.
SCHOOL SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by that dude with that face November 29, 2009
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The place where you go for the first 18 years of life. You are stripped of almost all of your rights and no one cares about you. You go through very exotic forms of torture such as a technique called "algebra" or another one called "french". the place were you are fed strange and exotic foods that make your stomach hurt and ooze strange goo out of them when you bite into them.
Mom- "wake up, it's time for school."

Me- "Oh My Dear Lord. Mom, i got AIDS so i can't go today."

Mom- "WHAT?!?!?!"

Me- "Whoops, see, this is what happens when i get rushed....to go to.........school."
by AHairyGrowth June 11, 2009
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I fucking hate this shit bag called school
by schoolhater420 October 18, 2018
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A place to let off steam aka murdering-faculty + staff + students = fun
mother-hello timmy what did u do at school today?
Timmy-nothing much just murdered a few fags
by FuxOrZZzOwnZoRzZZ January 27, 2005
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a place of complete misery..child labor disguised in education...a prison for all children to become trained like puppets and dogs... where rules are the only thing from keeping us from succeeding..a place known as hell to everyone but parents
skyline high school is a gay school that should be burnt down
by xtreme June 27, 2003
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