Intrusive e-mail attacks by internet swindlers.
"Most AOL (America On-Line Subscribers) are stupid and gullible, so AOL sells their addresses to spam scammers. Only an idiot would fall for these schemes."
by j e walker April 28, 2003
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In RTS gaming online, where a large amount of cheaply produced units are sent at your base towards your woefully unprepared units.
RTS nerd - I hate you, you spammer. You totally spammed my base with *insert irritating unit here*. You idiot! That was a total spam attack!

RTS nerd 2 - L0lz0rz. n00b.
by John J Jingleharmer Schmidt March 11, 2008
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When a person hits on many people in one night, hoping that one of the advances sticks
'She was sex spamming the whole room last night, I wonder if anyone fell for it?'
by TLoMaxx December 10, 2012
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Another term for a mans penis, veiny bang stick, purple headed womb broom etc.
"Wow", said Enid "Barry's got a huge spam javlin"
by Link December 8, 2004
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The throw-away email address you use to register to sites that you know will spam the shit out of you.
I knew that lesbian fisting site was going to spam me, so I gave them my spam mail.
by wtfpwnage September 21, 2009
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Vagina made of the most lowest grade meat (spam)
"Check that slag, I'm gonnae raid her spam shelf n make sum fritters"
by Harry Wallace June 13, 2008
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An email address you use just when registering with online sites, or to give to people that you're not interested in getting email from.

Using a spam dumpster helps keep garbage out of your work and/or personal email account.
I had to register to create my urban dictionary entry, but I used my spam dumpster address!
by linty dog dog January 20, 2010
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