Nicole is the most beautiful, funny, sassy girl you will ever meet.. Once you become friends with her you never want to lose her.. Just remember to lock up your cupboards because nicoles are heavy eaters and wont hesitate to eat whatever is available
Sav:Where did all my doritos go?!
Blair:it was probably nicole again.
by . X_L@ux_X. November 23, 2018
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Nicole is a walking sunshine. While some might find her hyper-activeness annoying, that is a key factor to her. She’s bubbly and a big chatterbox. Some might call her childish, though her innocence and purity is what makes her amazing.

A Nicole is a girly girl. You would find her skipping and dancing around a mall. She is quite a drama queen, she’s the type of person who would get upset over cracked nail polish, but her sensitivity becomes an advantage, as she shows great sympathy towards your problems.

If you need someone to talk to, go and give Nicole a call. She gives sensible advice and will stand next to you during the problem. She stays loyal to her best friends, and wouldn’t let anything interfere. A Nicole is everything you need and more.
Person A: I’m lost. Something really sad happened today.

Person B: Oh, do you need anything?

Person A: No, I just need sympathy. I’ll go call Nicole.
by worldwidehandsome7 November 12, 2018
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A girl worth waiting years for. Nicole is beautiful, smart, funny, kind, and just all around perfect. She may dye her hair, but whether it's brown, red, blonde, or even green, she is still all around amazing. She is true to her friends, and will always be there for them. An amazing best friend, amazing girlfriend, and will make the perfect wife and mother. She may not be a fan of herself, but everyone around her sees just how amazing and perfect she is.
by id_kai January 28, 2015
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Amazing girl

Always there for others and always gives a helping hand
A nicole is a very attractive specimen and all the boys think she's attractive.
Having a nicole in your life will make you 100 times happier
Nicole's are very funny and outgoing mess with her friends/family and you will regret living!
Nicole gets all the boys chasing her
by Chingchingchongchina April 12, 2013
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A Nicole is the most beautiful you can find. Inside and out. She can be a bitch, but only about standing up for she believes in. She's faithful, and sees whatever she starts though without giving up. She's an amazing friend, and she'll be there for you no matter what, as long as you do the same. She probably not the most popular, but she doesn't let that get to her, because she knows how beautiful she is. And always will be.
I wish i could be Nicole.
by HolyGrail78 August 28, 2013
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She is an absolute savior. Nicole is the kind of girl that has your back. She is full of relationship advice even though she isn't in a relationship. She is thicc and beautiful. If you meet a Nicole never leave her but never tell her your secrets because they might get out.
Oo dang Nicole you're hot.
by Arab American white girl March 11, 2019
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She is amazing on so many levels. She drives men crazy. She breaks hearts on both sides. Her sweet warm smile will take pain away. Her gentle gazing eyes will make you forget what you want to say. Her voice soothes even the most savage beast. Life without her would never be life at all just a torture of being away from amazment and awe. Her love of anime takes nerds on a new high. So intelligent so beautiful too irresistible to let her pass by.
I just had a Nicole pass me by.

Damn shes a Nicole.

I was so mad but she did a Nicole on me.
by fear is only an illusion October 25, 2013
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