Grizzly is a fucking prop killer that nobody likes
by Totaly_not_Grizzly March 29, 2021
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It's a grinder for your goodies
Yo man don't forget that grizzlyfor lunchtime I don't want to finger bust that shit
by Pizza_Mcpizzaface October 19, 2016
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right peng ting, fit, grizzly bear just means a hot bear
friend: “look there’s a grizzly bear over there”
me: “woah peng ting tha bro, i’d hit that
by Kreameggg666 October 27, 2020
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Done with vicious mannor
He got a grizzly eating ass.
That was a grizzly ass eating
by Jgrizzly June 1, 2020
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The best dip a redneck can dip
Hey billy what your dipping on?
Billy: “just some good ole grizzly” what about you Bobby.
Bobby: “grizzly man if you don’t do the bear then you have no hair on your balls. Yee fucking yee
by SISTER MOTHER October 17, 2019
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When you're going for a poo after a heavy sesh or you know its going to be manky.
"Ay mate best open a window going for a grizzly"
by Enamel94 February 23, 2018
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Known as a type of guy, tall, big, hairy and is known for his beard.

Not exactly fat but slim. also known as all they like to do is eat and sleep. But work hard during the day.
I like my guys tall, hairy especially with a beard, and slim.
So a grizzly ?
by Fawkyeah March 21, 2016
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