Guy 1: "I'm having a fantastic day!"

Guy 2: "I'm having a poo-tastic day it totally sucks"
by idkperson;) p May 19, 2015
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The state of an object or situation being so good that it is either painfull or detrimental.
"Crack is anti-tastic." or, "It was totally anti-tastic when that robot threw your car in the lake."
by Thom K. July 9, 2006
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To be the best chute company in the world, providing awesome service and giving the customer 100%.
Wow! Those guys are a really Chute-tastic team!
by chuteGrl420 June 12, 2019
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A term used in the fire department to call something or someone awesome or exciting. Not only is it fire department buff related, but at the same time it's fantastic.
It's pretty buff-tastic when little Jimmy sleeps with his radio in so he can hear all the calls, even the ones he's not responding on.
by backdrft76 February 15, 2018
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adj. a word that only extremely cool people to tell people that they are fabulous and fantastic all in one word.
2. a word that was invented by Ksomp
Mschro: Movies on sunday?
Ksomp: sunday sounds fabo-tastic.
by suppperrrstaaaaa June 13, 2009
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amaizing fun bitchy kewl hto spontanious and all together pwns!
jill is awesome-tastical
by katherine is awesome-tastical January 12, 2011
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