- a term used to describe the fans of the actor Xiao Zhan
- mandarin for Peter Pan
- sounds similar to Mandarin word "shrimp" so sometimes they refer to themselves "Shrimp"or "Peter Pan".

Symbol: 🦐
Xiao Fei Xia are loyal.
Xiao Zhan fans are called Xiao Fei Xia.
by Darkphantomalex April 4, 2021
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orgin: a chinese word used to describe hill-billys or people who grew up as farmers ( profanity)

todays term: people that are dumb and stupid. especially short people
a person who thinks too much about himself, self centered
a term to show resentment for someone else
describing a person with a crooked face, and long facial hairs
You're such a xiang xia ren!

Dude, Dayvide's a xiang xia ren

Shut up you xiang xian ren
by dumbasian October 20, 2009
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an expression of surprise or excitement, usually used in a sarcastic or ironic matter
friend: *sends a picture of a burger but the meat looks like a penis"

you: loh xia! looks really good
by otinnineil November 26, 2021
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A liar and a snake who only cares about themselves and is the human equivalent of the devil
by mxtt_06666 June 29, 2024
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xia is outgoing lit most likely short as hell.known but not known.will be your bestie .Supportive and shows empathy.she from 119 .is an happy person sometimes.she is happy ,nice,
smart sometimes and nice when she want to be .
guy1:she fine

Besties:that’s xia
by that’sehatshesaid November 23, 2021
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