Tr. v. 1) To ingest someone or something in some way, usually through an orifice like the mouth.
Unc. n. 2) The action or activity of consuming someone or something, usually whole, or media depicting such.
Unc. n. 3) Short for a "vorarephilia", a kink which makes one enjoy vore for NSFW pleasure.
Adj. 4) Relating to, or concerned with, vore.
I want you to vore me.”
“Do you like vore?”
“Are you into vore? Sexually.”
“Did you read the vore comic I sent you?”
by KattyTheEnby April 14, 2023
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some people just wanna be swallowed whole
and others just wanna swallow people whole
moving along..
fuck.. i want to vore that fridge bro..
bro you can't vore that fridge, thats my fridge
by poggy woggy November 26, 2020
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The shortening of the word 'voraphilia' which means basically 'the love of being swallowed'. A vore is technically a person who enjoys being eaten or the act of eating someone else. Vore is purely fantasy... considering it is impossible to do in reality. At times vore is sexual in nature and includes bloody tearing of flesh. Most people who are vores see it as a fetish and have been fantasizing about it since they were very young.
Pinocchio-When the whale swallows Pinocchio, or even better an example
Finding Nemo- When Dori and Marlin are swallowed by the friendly whale who then releases them.
by Saira June 19, 2005
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Verb, past tense (present- vore.) Among the vorish, used as a verb to describe the act of being devoured.
Bob: Hey, what happened to Phil?
Bill: Remember that prostitute we met in Vegas?
Bob: Yeah?
Bill: He got vored.
Bob: Lucky bastard.
by Iseja November 10, 2008
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Something Kirby does in the brand new switch game
Kirby just vored that car
by Finniswrong787 March 2, 2022
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When that one person on your discord server gets chill but then says they’re gonna vore everybody but as it turns out they have already vored you multiple time
Death: “Oh fuck here comes Sinter
Phish: “Sinter’s gonna vore us”
Sinter: You plebeians you have already been vored 69 different times in 69 different realities
by Rainbow of Death April 30, 2019
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Vore is a sexual fetish or fantasy that involves a person being swallowed or swallowing somebody else. A person who likes vore is called a voraphile. The person may fantasize about being swallowed by a large animal such as a snake, whale or shark. They may also fantasize about being shrunk and swallowed (microphilia) or swallowed by a giant (macrophilia). Same size vore may apply where they swallow/are swallowed by a life size person. The most common type of vore is soft vore where the candidate is swallowed alive and whole, and kept in the stomach and may or may not include digestion. Vore images often depict a large, swollen stomach and sounds indicating somebody is inside. The other type of vore is hard vore, which is more like cannibalism and is rarer. Vore is impossible to perform with humans, but could be possible with very large animals that are capable of swallowing a human alive. Vore is widespread on the internet including Youtube, Deviant Art and other vore related websites that take the form of videos, pictures, storied and role playing.
Boy 1 - Wouldn't it be cool to be swallowed alive by a whale?
Boy 2 - Yeah! I never knew you liked vore?
Boy 1 - I love vore! Wanna look at some vore pictures on the internet?
Boy 2 - Sure, and we could draw a vore comic strip too.
by voraphile February 19, 2012
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