An American traveling circus company billed as The Greatest Show on Earth
n 2004, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus was investigated following the death of a lion who died from heat and lack of water while the circus train was traveling through the Mojave Desert.
by SPrice1980 May 7, 2023
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Quanstale RIngle is the son of Quandale and Dingle, he was once a small Chip but then took over his parents and labels himself as Chip Master. He now lives in isle 11 with his Easter bunny Civilsus.
Wow Civil really likes laying Quanstale Ringle's eggs!
by Cheese Rat1-11 May 15, 2022
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Removing someone’s testicles, but leaving there ballsack (most of the time while they are asleep
“I did such an epic prank! I Ringle Dingled him while he was asleep
by Historiananic August 4, 2022
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When you uncontrollably start nutting
Yo did you hear that Matt randomly started to Ringle Dingle
by Rizzguy111 May 6, 2024
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