a fucking awsoume nazi aircraft that dive bombs with its screaming siren
by penisman69669 May 19, 2022
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Lemomeme's greatest pornstar of all time. He's porns are so hot that he'll make you cum in a millisecond.
Guy 1: Who's basel stuka?
Guy 2: He's the best pornstar of all time.
by Meapling October 20, 2020
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Commonly used to inform a participant or participants whom participates in the social activity of smoking mariuhjana. That they are out of bounds in the social contract of the group, which is: "puff, puff, pass".

Too many inconsistencies in this rhythm can drive a whole group as a collective down the road to become stuka jævler.

The very moment the mariuhjana cigarette fizzles out for the fourth time, and the group lays their collective gaze upon the one that has now become a stuka jævel.

As you get passed a humongus glass bong, and you are trying to balance the piece mid-air like your life depends on it, then you are a stuka jævel
- There is bong water everywhere, you crank ass stuka jævel.

- Quickly Martha, get to your senses, we have to leave, everyone is waiting, don't be a stuka jævel. Let's go!
by Stuktankhamun September 21, 2022
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