When you sneeze and poo yourself, its the awkward cheek squeeze dance you do on the way to the bathroom to change your undergrunts.
Al Roker did the first jig shatty in the White House!
by Norma162 August 21, 2013
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Unintentionally pooing ass juice in your underpants while doing a jig.
Old man Jenkins did a true jig shatty after he found out he won $10 on that scratch ticket.
by Norma162 August 21, 2013
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1. When a man shits in a woman's vagina while blowina an ancient ram horn one of those horns that goes "wwwwwwwvvvvvvvhhhhhhhhhhhhhbbbbbbbbgttttt " now you may think this serves a purpose, but unfortunately this is completely unnecessary saran wrap can also be used to seal in the freshness

2. When a female bear shoves its shit up its pussy for warmth during hibernation
John: So how was your time with starla las t night?
Rick: Oh it was great i gave a her a shatty fatmas!
John: Ohh AWESOME!!
Rick: Yeah she went to Shoprite to pick up a 6 pack of douches

by Joe Momma April 25, 2005
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Exactly the same as a brown badger, just with a slightly more witty and comical name
by Darklanky March 14, 2009
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When you are a lactose intolerant,ice cream loving fat man.
I am a shatty fatty.
by DaRedShatter November 9, 2017
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1) Influential musically and vine trend. Katy Perry even used this term in her hit song "I kissed a Girl" she liked it so much she became a shat cat (A term for shatty enthusiasts). This was the pinacol of early 2000s comedy.

2) A common slang term used in the early 2000s often between acquaintances or friends.
"Ayo! Shatty Scree Scree!"

"Shatty Scree!"
by blackjack69420 September 11, 2023
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