The worse thing you can hear in a girl. Usually comes after a weekend of binge drinking in Avalon.
Did you hear Renae's party girl voice? She must have drank all of the Fireball in the house and bar.
by WiseWords10 June 3, 2015
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A type of ugly seen in females who look like they are on an alcohol bender. A female who is party-girl ugly, as the name implies, parties too hard and smokes too much, and thus she looks like she was taken behind a dumpster and gang-banged. Usually the hair looks dry and unhealthy, the eyes look like they have not seen sleep for several days, and the skin looks dehydrated from drinking too much. Additional features may include a beer belly, thunder thighs, a hoarse voice. Tacky clothes and a cigarette pressed between the lips are classic of females that are party-girl ugly. Many attractive sorority girls become party-girl ugly once they hit the age of 21, start going to bars, and forget that they're shelf-life is long overdue.
- Paris Hilton, Chelsy Davy, and all the girls from Jersey Shore are party-girl ugly. They really gross me out!

- Yeah, they need to detox and get their shit together if they ever want to be considered attractive.
by whatitisisis July 21, 2011
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A term used in Malay Peninsula to describes Asian women (regardless if she's Yellow Asian or Brown Asian) who dates and even marries high-class white men for the sake of money, fame, pride and sex.

Sarong Party Girls not only making their husband as a cashcow, but they also make their kids (a.k.a. Chanel baby) as their cashcow for the sake of being white

However, they are prone to be a victim of yellow fever or brown fever by white supremacists and white manosfears
1. Instead of being a Sarong Party Girls, why don't you improve yourself?
2. Sarong Party Girls is such a psychopath, they want to revenge for the long-time colonialism and imperialism, but in a very wrong way. They are just giving Asia and Asian a bad name as everyone will perceive Asian as a social climber, opportunist, and attention whore
by Sir. B January 19, 2021
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The greatest joke in the world. Send your buddy a link to and let the fun begin.
Oh man, that fucker sent me a link to drunkpartygirls, I'm going to kill him and eat his children.
by b0ner June 25, 2003
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The hottest thing a man can hear in a girl, usually comes after drinking
Did u hear that girl she must have Been drinking that party girl voice
by Damn207 April 21, 2015
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you know you all know her, shes the fat girl at parties who dances all over the place and rubs her fat sweaty titties all in your face. there are mulitiple ways to use this word, and they are a subcultural phenomena. the acronym is BTPG.

BTPG as a noun:
a fat, nasty, dirty, alcoholic, slutty, topless table dancing, nasty titty rubbin party bitch- with sweaty double chins. always has a lisp because the fat on her face forces her mouth and tounge to make her sound even more disgusting.

BTPG as a verb:
drinking obscene amounts of alcohol preceding dancing topless on various objects while rubbing one sweaty titty in anothers face while smelling like 6 shitty cans of shark shit.

BTPG as an adjective:
sharing common qualities of a btpg such as sweaty titties, back titties(sweaty), bowlegged, slutty or in any way displeasing to the penial region.
"you one nasty slut to be runnin up in here hittin on my boo, smellin like aristocrat and body odor, you best get the fuck out of my face you big titty party girl. bitch, bye. "

"gurrrrl, im gonna be a big titty party girl tonight!"

"how much weight you put on bitch, you lookin big titty party girlish, i can't be sellin you on the street no mo! bitch, bye."
by kurt e, and celeste c. December 27, 2006
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she's the life of every party; She carries herself with the utmost class and respect but knows how to have a good time and boogie ; )
electric em is such a top drawer party girl!
by electric em October 21, 2008
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