A city that began on the banks of the Milwaukee River and Lake Michigan in the 1830's. Breweries like Blatz, Schiltz, Miller, Pabst, and many othes all started in the city. The 1970's saw a decline in industry and Milwaukee was added to the rust belt city list. Deteriationg factories and homes litter the inner city, but downtown and the far east-side is sprawling. Million dollar condos on Farwell avenue, the re-birth of the Historic 3rd Ward, and Brady Street are just a few positives of Milwaukee's progress. Also just northwest of downtown used to be the worst area that you prayed that you woulnd't never to set foot in. Now the area near Johnson's Park is slowly improving and drug houses from this area are beind revitelised. Also gang violence has declined since the "Notorious 90's" when homicides saw there highest in 1991 at 168. In 2004 homicides took a drastic dip to only 88, but then recoiled to the cities average of 125 per year. Homicides have stayed relitivley low lately in the city, because of the great care that homicide team in area hospitals give. Though the city may have a reliviley low homicide rate, there where approx. 640 shootings in 2005, that number skyrocketed to over 800 shootings in 2006. So far in April there have been 28 homicides, but once June, July and August roll around those numbers go up. Milwaukee's homicide rate is twice as high as New York City's. Milwaukee's infant mortality rate is higher today than it was in 1978. 46% of African American's in Milwaukee, live in segregated, high poverty areas, while in Boston only 6% of African Americans live in such areas. Milwaukee will some day be a safer city, and don't think Milwaukee is a bad ass city(take a look at Camden NJ, New Orleans, and others). It is a very diverse city, has one of the best theater distric's in the country, a phenominal art museum, zoo, and a horticultural conservatory(The Domes). There is lots of great food, places to stay, and it has the largeast music festivel in the world!
Milwaukee, has lots of great food and entertainment
by Jasonsupra April 12, 2007
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Milwaukee is a city one of the best cities in Wisconsin ( Wisconsin is hella lame btw) we get lit here most of the songs we listen to is from Milwaukee or somewhere elsemost ppl pronounce Milwaukee Ma-wal-kee it's the most seragated city in Wisconsin but nb cares that much no we don't have slang but we have language 😏
Jassy: aye aye
Omar: I love it here in Milwaukee
by Nemopies August 8, 2020
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Milwaukee is a state of being cool or interesting.
That girl’s outfit is *snaps* Milwaukee!
by Flagrant Weasel February 18, 2023
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Wisconsin's largest city and where all the colored folk inhabit when forced out of the rural communities. It's a place for all the small town kids in neighboring areas to go when not tipping cows, mudding, or consuming vast amounts of beer and hard liquor. Provides great summer entertainment with many varities of festivals-most importantly summerfest, the largest music festival in the United States. Milwaukee also holds the best concert venue, The Rave. And if you survive a night of drinking here, go to state street in Madison during a badger game or on Halloween.
For instance, I was dominated at Summerfest in Milwaukee by all the Wisconsinite drinkers. I am from Illinois and can't compare the to the awesomeness of those professionals. I should not be allowed near a vehicle and should have my license immediately revoked for being such a fuckhead driver.
by tinaknowswhatsheistalkingabout September 21, 2006
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one of the biggest ghettos in the us with suburbs like wauwatosa and west allis that are pretty much ghettos too.
milwaukee is one huge ass ghetto where lots of people get shot.
by armani from milwaukee July 23, 2003
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1.the most segregated city in America
2.where you either live in a burned down house or a trailer
3.where white suburban kids get their drugs from
4.big pollution, there is more trash in the lake than fish
5.second highest murder rate, third highest for carjacking
6.beautiful downtown, but decaying everywhere else
7.home of Chicago gangs
8.where people shoot eachother for the stupidest reasons
"On our trip, we drove around Milwaukee because we didn't want to get shot or lose our car."
by Michael Vee July 29, 2006
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When a creepster hovers over a drunk girl who has gone to sleep in the middle of a crowded room with a confused look on his face, trying to figure out how to have sex with her.
"I was drunk, so i curled up on the floor in the living room to sleep during the after party, but i guess the guy who was hitting on me Milwaukeed me. He clearly thought I was going to have sex with him."
by averydrunkbunny October 6, 2013
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