A lass is Australian slang for a girl who hangs out with lads. lads are 'gangsta', the most popular people at boys schools. often seen drinking, smoking and vandalising. Lass's are bassicly lad's sluts, they wear to much makeup and have bleached trashy hair.
lad1: fuck bro, that lass is hot.
lad2: yeh eshays.
by popular<3 April 27, 2008
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A girl version of a lad. She usually wears nike TN's, small sport shorts and a polo shirt with the collar popped up.

verrrrrrrrrry ugly chicks.
look, its that BN crew, they got a few lasses with them.

i got rolled by 2 lads and a lass today
by tennisrox4 January 28, 2008
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The kind of guy that would dedicate his life to maths and even go live in a cave so that he could study maths.

Lasses also knows the answer to everything, but they won't tell anyone.
Person 1: Hey, have you seen a Lasse somewhere around here? I forgot to do my maths homework.

Person 2: Try the library, I heard they set up a camp in there to study maths.

Person 1: Thanks man, I'll go have a look.

Person 2: Be careful though, they might try to convert you to become one of them.

Person 1: Ok, I'll be careful then, don't really fancy becoming a Lasse
by In_need_of_autonumber December 2, 2015
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a girl version of a lad. wears RL, nautica, tommy, Das, Nike, Lacoste ect. usually unwashed ratty ugly sluts but some lasses can pull it off and look bangin.
by gtownlass April 30, 2015
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A lass is a cool, hip, gangster girl. It is an uplifting term and is used as a compliment. It's the equivalent of lad for males.
Natalie is such a lass.
Sarah seems like such a lass.
Did you know that Ella rides a skateboard? What a lass.
by Jo-Nathan27 October 11, 2018
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The leftover lint from your boxers, briefs, or thongs that remain at the top of your ass crack. It is a small clump of various colors depending on the colored underwear.You know it will always be there when you take your underwear off. Higher quality underwear such as silk proves to have minimal lass effects opposed to the standard cotton underwear which is a nasty mofo. In worse cenarios if the shower does not clean it out, you may have to use your own finger to fish it out.
"My lass today was red, orange, and blue!"
"You know your day is going to suck when you have to pick your morning lass out yourself."
by victorino January 5, 2008
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Lasse is a person with an extremely small penis. Lasse is a person who is typically an alcoholic and smoker. Lasse is a person who dates younger girls under the age of 18.
by lasseoste April 14, 2020
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