stinks like shit no one likes him he probably grinds home scapes and likes to eat his mommys shit for every meal of the day and he is allergic to good looking women and gets no pussy PS: he also likes men
by angryman69 June 15, 2021
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Sweet girl, who loves dogs, horses and partying. She looves a good ride ;)
She is the party, and it is always boring and grey without her.
"This party is so boring, we need Kolby!"
"I wish Kolby was here"
by Chakakarn January 21, 2022
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A sweet pretty gal who always knows how to cheer you up if you start dating one you’re a lucky son of a bitch she may she knows how to have fun you can talk to her for hours and not be bored she’s socially awkward and doesn’t like attention but give her attention and you’re a lucky guy/gal.
Friend 1: Well aren’t I a lucky son of a bitch. Friend 2: why do you say that. Friend 1: I just started dating Kolbi.
by I’m the lucky son of a bitch October 14, 2020
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A sexy young man that girls want to have sex with all the time
Oh kolby fuck me oh yay harder! harder! Say my name kolby "Bellast oh yay" my pussy
by Dopeboy587 November 29, 2016
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A player, sometimes a band geek and puts girls last, sometimes referred to as a "ass hole" or "self-centered jerks with small dicks" some kolby's aren't like this but as for most of them are,
by Broken falling stars July 19, 2011
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A beautiful girl who has been hurt a lot, but loves a lot of people. She's smart and everyone loves hurt, but she's not one to play with and lives to turn up when she can,plus she thick.
Kolby is so perfect. Have u seen kolby,omg.Inlove kolby
by shelby said he May 27, 2018
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