The process of waking up and seeing the ass before you and knowing its only there because of the riddiculous amount that you had drank the night before

this can cover an accidental gay expierence , a larger than life woman , or any other situation you wake into and instantly regret the ammount you drank the night before
After showering thoroughly Tom recieved a phone call

" You coming to the pub?"

A whimpered reply came back

" not leaving home today i have suffered the glutes of regret !!"
by Rooboy222 November 1, 2009
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Tina Blerch's thighs in the time of looting during a hurricane from the popular show, "Bob's Burgers."
"I think I'm getting loot glutes." Tina Blerch
by JoAy September 28, 2013
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1. A term used for a large protruding buttock or bubble butt.
That chick has heavy duty glutes yo!
by WordOfTheDayYO January 22, 2011
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A Physical condition inwhich the guteal muscle elongate and transend into the hamstrings achieving a flat appearence.
"Check out the glute strings on that chick"
by Al ralphs & Ryan MacKenzie February 17, 2003
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How has he Glutes managed that his punching well above
by Anonymous20202020 December 5, 2021
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Tighten your butthole, because shits about to get real
Josh, you better activate the glutes when you banging your girl and she tries to check your oil!
by LilMudCricket April 14, 2018
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A glute and limb bag is another word for pants, usually of the baggy variety. The 'glute', a slang/informal term for any of the three muscles in each buttock, and the 'limb', pertaining to the legs, are all housed within the pants, referred to as the 'bag' in this phrase. Hence the combination 'glute and limb bag'. Regional dialect of Upstate New York.
Back in the day, that boy Sammy Davis Jr. could dance right out outta' his glute and limb bag!
by VanillaIceChick February 2, 2006
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