A gay icon, also known as a lesbian.
"I heard she listens to girl in red"
by Linwoop October 9, 2020
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Girl in Red is a singer who is a member of the LGBTQ+. So if a girl asks another "girl in red?" they're asking if she's into dating/likes girls, seen as listening to girl in red is gay girl culture
Cute girl on social media: *posts something of herself*

Girls in the comments: "girl in red?"
by kenekochannn September 10, 2020
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This is generally used to detect if someone is a lesbian or not. Girl in reds music centres around lesbians, so it is deemed the lesbian anthem.
Girl 1: "Hey, Girl In Red?"
Girl 2: "Yup!"
by KokichiButDepressed December 29, 2021
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Girl in Red is a singer who is a member of the LGBTQ+, so if a girl asks another "girl in red?" she's basically asking her if she's into dating/likes girls.
girl one: "girl in red? 👉👈"
girl two: "hell yeah!"
by kenekochannn September 10, 2020
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Girl in Red is lesbian jesus. Literally. Her songs are amazing and totally gay.

Whenever someone says they listen to girl in red, or asks you if you listen to girl in red, they're asking if you're a lesbian, or wlw.

Girl in Red is something that only lesbians would look up, so if you're reading this, welcome to the queer community.
Girl 1: Hey, do you by any chance listen to Girl in Red?
Girl 2: No, but i do listen to Sweater Weather
by thegayurbandictionary February 12, 2021
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