A fugger is a person who not only hugs you once...but four times while saying goodbye.
That chick just can't get enough, she is such a fugger! Stop it you fugger! Yea I know, my Mom is such a fugger!
by Mustangannie July 7, 2009
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Fred is such a fugger, he was with 8 fuglies THIS weekend!!
by Niki Putnam March 22, 2007
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Something that is really ugly, so bad it is fucking ugly
that piece of art is a mess, completely fuggers.
by jolsen August 20, 2019
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or Fuggered, if one is drunk or out of it. Cynthia and Kelly use it a lot
"Cynthia" Kelly, u look fuggered 2nite
by Kelly March 18, 2003
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slang for "You're a fucking hugger". Can also be used as a verb--"Let's fug", or "Give me a fug", as in "let's be fucking huggers" or "give me a fucking hug". It can get kind of confusing, seeing as its close in sound to fuck, but its fun to use.
"Let's be fuggers!"
by uwannafug? May 4, 2010
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the end result of me and my friends cursing at each other so many times that it sounds like this.
Magic: What the fuck is wrong with you?
Friend: What the fuck's wrong with you, bitch ho?!
Magic: you stupid fugger
Friend: Fugg you?!
Magic: why don't you fuggin shit yashelf in yo fuggin panz fuggin fugger
Friend: yea... fugg you!!!!!!
by MagicDonJuan November 29, 2004
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-a person who is incredibly awesome and laughs/smiles uncontrollaby
-implictly saying "motherfucker"
"yo tee,your such a mudder-fugger"
"go die in a fire mudder-fugger "
by definition-dictionary. June 17, 2007
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