a feeling of half way betweeen being flustered and aggravated
by Patty Moreno March 20, 2004
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When a mother or women is frusterated and flustered at the saem time, usaly when a mother is bitchy for no reason.
by JTB773 November 3, 2008
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David: "Dude did you fluster Sally last night?"
Beckett: "Dude, I took her up to make out point and we flustered all night!"
David: "That's gnarly bruh!"
by seanniebabe00 October 3, 2018
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a.) fucked up on acid...or pcp.
b.) startled at something
the crazy bird who is fuckin losing it swooped down and pecked at the flustered pedestrian
by ma jones May 6, 2004
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A term for when you act stupid, flustered, go blank, or most when your IQ dips into single digits due to infatuation.

A good example of this phenomenon is when you meet a good looking girl and all you can say is " hum erm guh duh"
" hum erm guh duh" was all that love flustered greg could get out when he met melody
by Theamazinggeek April 10, 2019
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Experiencing butthurt and distress usually as result of being trolled or ridiculed.
Alejandro got all fanny flustered when his friends made fun of his favorite game, GTA IV.
by Buster Slammin September 13, 2012
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being in such a flustered state so as to be completely "fucked"; unable to address any single problem on account of one's flustered state of being.
One, two, three, four ninjas emerged from the forest surrounding the monk. As they drew their swords the monk ran one direction then the other. Completely surrounded, the monk stood still, fluster-fucked, and over run.
by pikey bellicose April 7, 2010
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