One who gets excessive HS's with a scout
by spicynacho September 7, 2004
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Someone who's head has a unusually large circumference or bears a resemblance to John Madden.
Mark: Anna, move yo fathead lookin' ass, I can't see the board.
Anna: Shut up!

Mark: You look like John Madden... yo fathead lookin' ass!
by rawrthaas February 26, 2010
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the act of raising your right arm over your head with elbow bent and with your hand in an "L" shape and swiping the arm around in a small half circle. This act signified discontent or belligerence to an act or individual.
As the lady yelled at the UPS man for running across her lawn he jumped in his truck and gave her a FATHEAD then sped off.
by L.Butler November 4, 2007
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1. a person who has a large/irregular shaped head in comparison with thier body .

2.fatheads (pl.) can be used to describe a group of people standing together all with large heads.
'you are a fathead'

'throw it at the fatheads'
by hamster#1 June 26, 2007
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A person that does not actually have an over-sized head, but is great to hang out with, also can be payed out constantly but actually knows that they are great friends
by matthew.rhodes January 14, 2009
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What you have the day after you polish off a case of beer, and your head continues to pound.
I've got a fathead because I got so fucking drunkg last night.
by Nicholas Salisbury September 22, 2005
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