When someone's Facebook status is always a comment about how he/she hates her life.
Person 1: Look at this status.
"(Name) is not going to the mall because her parents are retarded and should die."
Person 2: What a FaceBitch.
by The Connoisseur March 9, 2009
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When someone posts something that reads as if it should go to someone specific, but in fact is posted as someone's status
"Lauren God he is such an asshole"

Lauren's friends "God Lauren is facebitching again, wonder who she's talking about."


Rod-"Rod Bighorn says forget you"

Rod's GF "OMG did I do something wrong??"
Rod's BFF "OMG is he mad at me??? I can't tell since he's facebitching"
by CHF924 April 29, 2009
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Being a bitch to someone over facebook statuses (also can be mybitch, which is a bitch over myspace)
"Dude, Ruth was being a total Facebitch today"
by Jables21 March 9, 2010
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Someone who constantly updates their Facebook status with complaints and disgruntlement about life, boyfriend/girlfriend, work, school,etc, etc.
Mike-"Shari is complaining about her boyfriend on Facebook...again."
David-"Yeah I saw, she such a Facebitcher."
by Dr. Douche March 7, 2012
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A metaphorical bitch-slap to someone with a Facebook wall post or comment.
Wall post: I had two headers in the soccer game today

Comment: That's not the first time you've taken a pair of balls to the face
Comment: facebitch-slap!!!
by Facepimp October 4, 2011
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FACEBITCH; One who actively participates in bitching on multiple Facebook threads, and posts daily.
"NO, rolling the dog over on his back to rub his belly is NOT some form of animal abuse, you silly FACEBITCH. "
by Jason Coolyard December 21, 2015
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JFK...n' Dys...
1.To be on facebook and complaining about something.
2.Just Facebooking in general.
3. When Facebook is being a bitch(such as, facebook being slow, etc.)
Facebook Status:
I really hate my life...
Some people need to get a life...
I'm so depressed and I have no friends...
I am sad, I feel like I should "Facebitch".
by jfk1116/Dys June 1, 2011
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