the act of puking your brains out after drinking heavily, then come back and start drinking all over again with a empty stomach.
Its best to yack and come back if:
-your drinking all day,
-then go to a chinese buffet.
this is what should follow that:
-then go to the parking lot,
-stick your fingers down your throat
-then go back inside and eat and drink again
by M2million December 8, 2006
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When someone pushes you down, but you push back and, against all odds, thrive and show them that you're still strong and maybe even better than before. Also, from a Kelly Clarkson song :D
"You didn't think that I'd come back, I come back swingin" -Stronger by Kelly Clarkson ~ "I'm not gonna let them get the better of me, I'm gonna come back swinging and show them they can't break me."
by farrahthecoolkid March 14, 2022
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When you think that your bowl or bong is no longer hittable and it surprises you with another round of smoking.
"Dude, it's on the come-back tour!"
by PureCara October 11, 2007
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used to describe when a conversation meanders its way back to an earlier point or topic.

Originally named after an egomaniacal college dropout who got the name "pearl" after having pearl-shaped implants inserted under the skin of his penis.
Party Guest 1: My web site uses cookies, but I don't call them cookies, I call them bananas...
Party Guest 2: What?
Party Guest 1: Bananas. Because my site uses a login form on various different portals, you can have two or three bananas from my site for completely different pages. My wife hates bananas with a passion. She refuses to eat them. Banana bread, even banana you see, it all comes back to pearl.
Party Guest 2: WTF?

Party Guest 1: And another thing, since we're on the topic of global ever notice how when you're baking banana cookies it heats up the whole house?
Party Guest 2: Ah, I can see this coming back to pearl now...
by jazzs3quence September 14, 2006
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the slogan used by Boomerang from Cartoon Network, from launch, up to its shitty 2015 rebrand.
"Boomerang, it's all coming back to you!"
by MindsEyeTHPS November 26, 2017
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like a boomerang

Get out ma face, nah come back here you

when you tell someone or something to piss off but then you change your mind so you tell them or it to come back
"oi go way come back stupid piece of shit. Nah love ya bro"
by brayvo July 30, 2019
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