Within tight circles of friends of lash artists and professional poppers of all things to be consumed the forerunner in such activities is the canary. When the canary snuffs it, do not allow time to mourn, just run as fast as your semi-jaundiced arse will allow to a world of self-righteous sobriety.
Shit Dan the canary is dead. Better make mine a half.
by Wedwow April 18, 2007
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a free person who doesnt have herself comepletle figured out yet, has so many ideal but not very realistic, a broken girl who wants to fix the whole wide world
your as free as a canary right before she sings er song, waiting for the right moment to make someone smile
by you may say i'm a dreamer January 25, 2009
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someone who is scary, ain't got no balls a yellow belly
Yo son i thought he was soldier but when we had beef he turned out to be a canary
by Zany Zane September 20, 2007
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1. a popular female musician

2. an informer(because a canary sings)
That canary won't shut up after what happened yesterday.
by The Return of Light Joker March 8, 2009
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When tossing salad, your mate rips loose a fart.
While licking my girl's taint, she hit me with a canary killer, right in the mouth.
by Woodbilly June 9, 2011
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To puke, poop, then cum on ones chest or stomach resulting in a concoction that resembles bird poop.

Carl gave Sally a Canary Surprise that she has always wanted.

sex, actions, perverse, nasty, hot carl
Carl gave Sally a Canary Surprise that she has always wanted.
by lolgadget January 9, 2010
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The person in a friend group that eats questionable food(such as foreign beef) first, while the other friends wait to see if the food is safe to eat.
Rob's a total beef canary for eating the lamb from that buffet. He's been on the shitter for hours.
by Mufasaofdoom February 9, 2017
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