An Animu, a person that complains about anime drawings yet has either never watched one or refuses to consider it 'art'.

Animu's regularly band together and complain about 'front page' artwork's on DA(Deviant Art) or other popular art site’s about how ugly or silly an artwork is because it is in the style of Anime regardless of how well drawn and/or non anime style it actually is.

Animu's (the ones who have the balls at least) also comment on people's art and User pages complaining about how they never draw any 'REAL' art and rant about how 'popular' they are and that they don’t deserve it.

A majority of Animu's are unable to spell correctly and have poor artistic abilities.
1: UGH, srsly whts with all this anime cr*p! why the h3ll r u su populr? when r u gunna draw sum r3al ART?
2: Stop being such an Animu.. e.e

To see Animu's in their natural habitat browse the popular section on DeviantArt or search on encyclopediadramatica for 'Shit on the front page'.
by EvOl-IeDxIh July 31, 2011
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don't have means
you can't explain animu
by CrapLess August 26, 2015
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The headache following playing a video game for a long amount of time. This originates from the game Assassin's Creed II in which the main character is put into a machine called the Animus which allows him to relive the memories of ancestors and towards the end of the game, experiences some side effects such as headaches and hallucinations.
Guy 1: Hey wanna go to a party tonight
Guy 2: Sorry dude, i just spent 8 hours straight playing MW2 and have the worst animus headache.
by Dr. Urban V. Dicktionary January 30, 2010
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Story of some ram who does something in some place at some point in time. Complete Shit. Causes binge drinking, excessive puking and rashes. Also known as "complete brain rape". They give this crap out for free and if you're lucky you will get the 3 accompanying cd's . Jam sesh guaranteed.
Excerpt from The Wild Animus

"The flesh is sizzling,
Limb muscles twitching,
Deep tissues pulling where the boiling blood anoints."

...What is this crap?
by LovesAnimus April 17, 2010
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Animus Revenant is the fourth installment to the Animus series. You take up the role of the unremembered and leap into the tragedy and ruin the dead king has wrought upon this world.
Guy: Hey have you heard of Animus Revenant?
Guy2: oh you mean that underrated game?
Guy: Yeah!
by Jamesthebrav December 7, 2022
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animu-chan is part of the secret race of the Weebs, which has been hidden for many years. she is considered the Weed Lord cause she has a massive amount of body pillows, props, and posters.
Damn animu-chan has more posters than donald trump has money!
by Friendly Neighborhood Nigga February 19, 2017
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Relating to Manga and Anime.
Example 1
Boy: Hey I'm going to an Anime Expo!
Girl: Cool! Mangus Animus FTW

Example 2
Boy: What do you like most?
Girl: I would have to say, Mangus Animus.
by Walrus I Am July 3, 2010
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