adan is the chill guy, he makes everyone’s day 10x better, especially his girlfriends day, he’s sweet, his humor is the best and he’s such an outgoing outstanding amazing guy, he gets so
much cooler as you get to know him and his obsession with carti is insane , his music taste is phenomenal, his style, everything about him is so perfect , he’s a wonderful guy that everyone should have an adan ! he’s so handsome and loving, he’s so understanding and soft, he’s so gorgeous and his personality is hella lit overall he’s so lovely and a awesome boyfriend he’s the best guy in the whole world , his hair is so soft and feels good to run ur fingers through , he’s the type of guy that you would wanna marry , his eyes glisten light in the sun, his laugh is contagious, his smile is the sweetest , being in his presence in general is such a God gifting blessing, he’s wonderful and more
friend : yo it’s adan!

adan’s gf: that’s my boy
by loovha June 20, 2023
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Adan is a really kind person but he doesn’t let people use his kindness as his weakness.He has changed and he is a really strong and cool person also he is more of a careless person now.He doesn’t forgive easily anymore and stands up for himself when he needs to.One thing about Adan is that he is a real friend and everyone needs a friend like him.
You are such an Adan
by Jakejackson May 25, 2020
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Says he’s straight, acts really gay, then comes out of the closet
“Adan is gay
I knew it
by Thelord69 December 12, 2019
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Adan is an annoying guy who will do anything for female validation. Mega virgin who listens to Juice world and weezer. Gets attached too easily to any woman who looks his way.
Person 1: Yo is that adan simping again
Person 2: Yeah he does that ever week and after he’s gonna listen to juice.
Person 1: I fucking knew it
by Amongusballs6969420 November 28, 2021
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If you know an Adan you’re lucky. They are one of the most handsome kind hearted people you will ever meet. They love babies and have a great sense of humor and loves to be in the middle of things. Adan’s keep you on your feet and always make sure you are happy. Even though they can be emo sometimes, they always make sure your okay. They’re hard to love but once you crack their code you’ve hit the jackpot because they give the best hugs and kisses. Sometimes they are slow to get jokes but their laugh is so cute and contagious.
Boy: Have you met my friend Adan yet?
Boy 2: No wheres he at?
Boy: Oh gosh he’s over there with his girlfriend. He loves to hug her.
by swaggylover92321 December 26, 2022
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A Cool Mexican dude who can throw hands and is very cool to hang out with
Adan can Rock that guitar
lets go to Adans house instead of going to third period
by Large Big Man Bro May 4, 2018
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