Connor is making among us jokes, he is such a Band Kid.
by LilUub October 19, 2021
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"so i was talking to jacob, and damn is that kid such a band kid!"
by makingfunofpeoplelol May 25, 2021
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Bunch of nerds, geeks, dumbasses, and dumb bitches that love memes and each other.
Susie- I'm so sad for the band kids, they get no love from the school, it's just pitiful.
Band kids- didn't expect to be attacked, but ok.
by Florence Ikitten November 1, 2019
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A minor, usually a High Schooler, who is in their school’s band club/marching band. They are known for being painfully unfunny and cringy
Person: Hey how are yo-

Band Kid: Amongus, Ligma, Candice, Sugondeez, Obama, Your Mom, DEEZ NUTS

Person: ...
by Rhyttiahh July 23, 2021
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The typical cringy kid of every class
person 2: bro who the fuck is person 3?
person 4: hi guys
person 1 and 2: hi person 4!
person 3: *fucking explodes*
by Youlookingfinemydude December 14, 2022
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Wow that Austin Ryan Smith fella is a band kid!!! He says “boii what are thoossee!?!? Respect the drip Karen oh it’s t pose Tuesday!!! Keanu reeves chungus!!!!
by Seattleboy54 May 28, 2020
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